Vision: Tin Cans

Vision: Tin Cans

20th August 2018

I saw this vision a few weeks ago.

Quite a few men and women were holding large sized tin cans.  Wherever they were, in towns, villages, cities, nations, seated or standing or moving, be it in churches, offices, homes, streets, etc , they kept shaking the tin cans, expecting that those they looked to would drop a coin in it.


I saw that these men and women did not look poor, yet they were behaving like ‘beggars.’

Every time they had a need, they’d immediately call friends, neighbors, church leaders, speak to strangers on buses, planes and trains, anyone they could find or think of. These helpers would drop a coin in their tin cans. The clink of the coin gave these ‘beggars’ a thrill. The clinking sound brought them momentary relief.

The beggarly folk seemed always in need of some help. They clung possessively to their tin cans.

But in due course of time, they became dismayed.

The kind folk they sought aid from, were either too busy to help them or were avoiding them, or had run out of coins to give them.

The tin cans were becoming silent. Scarce were the cans that contained any coins.

These needy folk despaired. They longed to hear the clink of the coins in the tin cans.


A young man passed by these beggarly folk who sat on the ground looking desolate, and said “ Why are you so despondent? God….”

“ What’s God got to do with this …..” said they, interrupting the young man. They were outraged. Before they could give the young man a piece of their mind, they noticed that he had vanished.

A sudden stormy wind, blew away the tin cans they were holding so tightly.

This was happening world over.

Shocked, the people chased after their tin cans, but the wind and now the rain, was so strong, their cans were tossed up, and flew up the mountain. Unable to stand in the blustery wind, these needy folk crawled on their elbows and followed after their precious possession. They reached the top, and just when they were almost within reach of their tin cans, the wind blew even stronger.

They watched in horror, as their tin cans flew off the precipice and dropped noisily into the valley.

The very moment the tin cans flew over the precipice, the wind and rain ceased.

The beggarly folk were stunned by all that they had seen.

For a while, they lay motionless, on their bellies, very near the precipice, elbows on the ground, their faces cupped in their muddy hands, gazing at the sky.

After a while, their posture changed. Now they were lying prostrate.

World over such beggarly folk, had made it a habit to extend their tin cans seeking the help of man, rather than cry out to God.

These impatient ones ran to friends rather than drop on their knees in prayer. They had sought quick solutions by phoning family, visiting the bank manager, the doctor etc and even spoken to strangers in search of answers to their problems. They had sold valuable assets, entered into business deals, borrowed monies, on the advise of men. Not that they hadn’t prayed about some matters in the past, but waiting patiently for God’s response was painful for them. They wanted everything instantly. They sought quick remedies from men, and received them.

At first people had helped instantly, but gradually they began avoiding these needy folk, insulting them, looking down on them, or even moved away from them as they felt drained.

The prostrate ones, saw how foolish they had been and began praising God that their tin cans were gone. They would run to God and rely on Him for everything, and not go from man to man seeking after help. They now wanted to read the Word, pray, wait on the Lord, and not be impatient and run midway to man for help.

They praised God for His Mercy.

Swarna Jha


Isaiah 29:24

They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

2 responses to “Vision: Tin Cans

  1. Pingback: Vision: Tin Cans — Tents of Issachar | Gitardood's Weblog

  2. Isaiah 29:24

    They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

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