VISION: Whistle O Raiders Of The Airways-Part 2

I watched the whistling raiders moving on. As I wondered where they were going, I saw an oncoming train in the distance. (Immediately I was reminded of Vision: The Three Trains)

It was unlike the three trains, I had seen in 2007.
This was a giant train.
I watched this giant train brake to a halt.
I wondered who would board The Fourth Train.



VISION: Whistle O Raiders Of The Airways-Part 2

12th July 2009

Vision: The Fourth Train
So what manner of train was this fourth one?
I saw that it was a giant sized train and all the exterior of the train was transparent.

As the train approached, those who had burnt their bridges, and did not look back, understood that they must now board the train.

The fourth train circled the earth. Though these passengers boarded the train, I saw that they were actually in the place where God Had Placed them………in their own nation, city, locality, but now all this was placed in the train. Once the passengers were in the train, it did not seem that they were on a train at all. They continued to move around their homes / offices / places of work/ministry. Except that now everything had been lifted and placed on the fourth train.

Now the raiders could see all that was transpiring outside, through the transparent train. None outside could see that the raiders were on a God Supplied train.

This train had many coaches. I was now shown the coach of the train that was in America.

As the train moved along, through the windows, the raiders saw that the Barabbases and their friends, were moving about freely in the land of America. ( Scroll down to read Barabbas & friends- described in  Vision: Vultures Are Gathering )


All passengers on the train understood that they were to remain where God Had Placed them, they were not to get off this train.

World over, those on this fourth train could see that America was amassing knowledge, but not seeking wisdom. This lust for amassing knowledge was being exported throughout the world.

(outside were those,  the raiders had once mistaken to be their kith and kin VISION: KITH AND KIN)

Outside the fourth train, there was a flurry of activity.

Whilst the world held meetings and conferences, to ‘unite’ the people, ‘christian’ America was also busy with it’s own plan of unfication .VISION: THE GIANT HIDEOUS BIRD IN AMERICA

Seated within the train, the raiders could see that America remained in denial and delusion. Trillions of dollars in debt, it continued to introduce itself to the world as the ‘richest nation on earth’. It’s ‘church’ leaders and political leaders were a reflection of the nation.

Conferences and clandestine meetings were being held all over America. ‘Christian’ leaders who’d never shed a tear at the state of the church, or the harlotries that abound, or for the heresies they’d brought in, were now heart-broken at the state of the nation and it’s economy!

Oh! They were shocked, horrified, devastated at the state of the nation and it’s economy! They held conferences and discussed how they would bring morality to the nation, the fact that there was no morality per se, in their ‘churches’ did not bother them.

They would attempt to unite and make America moral, but this they would try, not by preaching the Word of God, nor by setting personal examples to their own followers in their ‘churches’, but by propagating a deadly  ‘form of godliness’, that was appealing to all religions. These leaders were convinced that their brand of morality would bring prosperity back to the nation, and a ‘revival’ in the ‘church’.

What ‘grieved’ these leaders to the core of their being, was the devaluation of their assets, the loss of respect in the eyes of the ‘christian world’, and the erosion of their influence.

These leaders were constantly on the look out to blame someone or something.

They wanted to bring back the razzmatazz back to the ‘churches’.
I saw that a few lone voices in their midst did speak up, they said, “ Let’s wait, let’s not rush into further programmes, let’s seek God , let’s repent, let Him Lead us……………”

The leaders standard response was:

“ Hey, don’t you know that God Will do things in His Time, not ours? We can’t wait that long, we want action in our lifetime, not when we’re dead and gone, ………and as for repentance, what’s there to repent about?”

Then turning to the others, the leaders would question, “ C’mon, tell us guys, what’s there to repent about?”

Barring the lone voices, all looked puzzled, “ Yeah,” they shouted back, “ What indeed do we need to repent about?”

After they spoke in this way, I saw that for a moment there was a silence. But soon the silence was broken by ‘holy laughter’, they’d fall about giggling, because they could’nt think of a single thing they’d done that needed to be repented. This gave them a new high.

With the ‘repentance’ issue ‘sorted out’, they returned to their ‘new’ plans for the ‘church’ and nation, which in general, seemed nearly the same.

They planned for ‘revival’ and ‘restoration’ and they’d jolly well give themselves a good ole ‘revival’ in any shape or form, and ‘restore’ the nation back to it’s former glory.

As I mentioned in the intro, this vision, unfolded over the past one year.

As I watched these ‘christian’ leaders, I was reminded of several visions, past and recent.
I understood that ‘christian’ America, was under the same old leadership, but with ‘ new’ thoughts and terminology, and plans.

America would return to it’s vomit.
This recent 2009 vision also depicts this, Vision: Hair Of The Dog

As also does, this 2007 vision:Vision: The Girl With The Apple Pie


Last year, I was constantly reminded of :

Vision: The Girl With The Apple Pie

Now I saw PART 2 of this vision:
I saw in part two of this vision, that paying no heed to any warnings, this girl ( now with no apple pie in her hands)  had continued to cross roads, where no pedestrian traffic was permitted, and now she had lost her limbs. All that remained was her torso.

Nonetheless, she liked living dangerously, and I saw that she rolled onto a skateboard with the help of her family and friends, who loved to indulge her.
I saw that she was heading downhill fast, with her friends and family following after her, trying to keep pace with her. They were not following the girl to warn her, but going after her for the ‘high’ they got from doing so.
I saw that she was heading for yet another fatal accident.


End of Vision: Girl with the apple pie-Part 2


I was reminded of several past visions as I saw that, in America:
The leaders who had ‘restored’ the jar in the Carolinas, were now intent on using the same glue to ‘restore’ America. (Vision: The Giant Hideous Jar In The Carolinas)

(Vision: The Flight Of Wisdom) Wisdom had flown from the land so now they would manufacture it. VISION: THE MANUFACTURING OF WISDOM

These leaders had schemes for all seasons. VISION: AMERICA- CAN YOU HEAR THE SCHEMES and they had keys to fool the gullibles with.VISION: KEY PUPPETEERS IN AMERICA

Such  ‘christian’ leaders in America made thier plans based on polls, the world relied on polls, and ‘christian’ America relied on polls.

They would set up all types of  seats of learning……….’schools and ‘bible colleges’  seminars…….shops really, to teach / indoctrinate the impressionable and the immature with their filth. eg. VISION: THE SEER SUCKER SUIT

They would help and assist the return of many fallen leaders, who had, in order to appease the  people, for personal advantage, made a great  show ‘public repentance’, Vision: And The ‘Christian Oscar ‘Goes To………

These ‘repentants’ breathed a sigh of relief thinking all was back to normal..VISION: DESPITE THE RESPITE

No matter how many warnings they received, the ‘christian’ leaders and their congregations would not listen, no not even to the donkeys.Vision: DONKEYS

I saw that they disdained the Nathaniels. VISION : NATHANIELS IN AMERICA

The public display some had made of discarding some teachings, they’d bring back through the back door.Vision: America! Watch The Back Door!


I saw that as much as many of the non-christians in America despised christianity, it was the harlot church that they too wanted kept alive as such a ‘church’ was for namesake only and was no threat at all to them.

Such ‘christians, ‘churches’ ‘christianity’, was profitable for politics and other gains. So quite often, America would rise ‘in support’ of the harlot, as the ‘sytem’ worked so well and profitted many ‘christians’ and non-christians. It provided timely and useful scandals, when needed,  and the weird ‘church’ practises made good copy.

This ‘heady concoction’ of a religion that the ‘christian’ leaders had created  was an opium for the people, and the powers-that-be, liked to have people grouped in religious masses, for political gain. In times of ‘need’, ‘christian leaders’ could be relied upon to come before the gullibles and expound some Scripture  that brought gain for some political group or the other in the nation. These’christian’ leaders used the threat of the divine wrath of God, to such effect, against those who did not toe their line.

When required the political knife could divide them quite easily.

The political world in America was watching very very closely, the activities of the ‘church’ and the ‘christians’ who were part of it. If the ‘church’ harbored ambitions above their station, the political world would step in to either make capital of it, or nip it in the bud.

Previously it was politics that had entered the ‘church’, but now the American ‘church’ would enter politics. These ‘christian’ leaders would manufacture prophecies, brow beat or threaten with the ‘divine wrath of God’ anything to swing votes towards their parties/agendas. They would extol the virtues of morality, by which they themselves never lived.

Many a times, have I been reminded of VISION: MOUNTAINS OF LIES AND BLOODSUCKERS

Time, money, energy, resources were being wasted. Now a  giant bloodsucker named ‘politics’ was draining the energies of the christians in America.

The ‘christian’ leaders lamented their lack of influence in the nation. They wanted to be counted amongst the influenczars.VISION: THE INFLUENCZARS

These leaders envied the powers of the pope and the vatican, and wanted to similarly exert power and influence world wide.

I saw these ‘christian’ leaders call emergency meetings and hold conferences. Market experts were consulted.

‘Christianity’ in America was a full fledged market place where wheelers and dealers were preparing to use their gullible congregations for political gain. ( More than ever before)

I saw that there were those among the congregations who had heard the truth but were now back in the fold.

These ‘christian’ leaders met in boardrooms and backrooms and returned with a hastily drawn plan, based on ‘market trends’. From all the information they had gleand from the market they drew up a ‘vision’ for their congregations to follow. They  garnered the support of controversial ‘christian’ celebrities, who would at a time the leaders considered appropriate be used to gather the crowds and attention towards them.

” Now, here’s our vision, folks,” announced the leaders, ” make sure you guys prophecy according to the vision we have outlined. Your dreams and visions must confirm our plans. You must announce that God is Doing a ‘new thing’ and that the ‘time for that new thing is now “.

So off people went to prepare prophecies that were in line with the leaders’ vision.

The ‘American church’ was now in the business of raising political candidates in the church and not disciples, and it’s evangelistic efforts were strange fishing expeditions………….they were fishing for potential voters.

I noticed a strange thing. Amongst the congregations were those who having heard the truth had chosen to return to the heretics. They occupied the pews, but had become so fickle minded that their donations/ tithes, loyalty, support and votes could not be relied upon.

The leaders could not see that. They were being lulled into a false sense of security, that they had ‘bankable’ support. When they needed crucial support, from their own, they would be let down.

Such ‘christians’ and many of their leaders had become out and out opportunists. They were mercurial and would sell their own for gain. ‘Christianity’ in America had become a treacherous, dog-eat-dog marketplace.

This ‘vision’ would be exported the world over.

I saw that though from the exterior, these plans looked as if they were bringing the christian community together in unity, the plans were full of double-speak, and created confusion, chaos, and brought forth the hidden ambitions of many.

Seeming success in their political ventures and the attention it attracted, lulled them into a false sense of security.


From afar, those on the fourth train could see the factory chimneys of Nutsville.

Vision: Nutsville, U.S.A
Nutsville was a town where resided the gullible christians. As the present politicians in power, whom ‘christians’ considered their adversaries had a sophisticated network through which they channeled their information, disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, political agendas, the christian housewives, who might have otherwise have spent time in intercession, not to be outdone, started a counter operation, which at first was a home-industry.

This home industry grew so fast and furious, and to such ginormous proportions that the entire operations had to be moved to the large town named Nutsville.

A league of ‘prophets, teachers, apostles’ you-name-it-they-had-it, from America and abroad shifted their base to Nutsville. So much was happening there. None wanted to miss out.

American christians, just like the non-christian Americans loved ‘happenings’, and if there was’nt a ‘happening’ happening, they created a ‘happening’.
Nutsville, U.S.A, had state of the art machinery to create ‘happenings’, ‘new things’, phoenixes that arose from the ashes by remote control, ‘restorations’, Nostradamus inspired visions, and a multitude of ‘prophetic dreams’ etc that always fitted the present circumstances, and their agendas.
Now many ‘christians’ world over and particularly in Nutsville, were fascinated with ‘current events’, to the point of obsession. They read ‘judgment of God or ‘Restoration of God’, into events that were either fake news reports, or calamities and incidents, choreographed by governments, and these gullible christians raced to the internet and the churches issuing ‘judgments from God, ( for their enemies)or ‘Prosperity/ Restoration of God’ prophecies.( for themselves and their friends)

Some got very obsessed in reading signs. They derived ‘prophecies’ from any and every bit of news be it about politics or celebrities, or any thing for that matter.

They derived prophetic signs from the rustle of leaves, they read signs on curtains, they read prophetic signs from their own shadows, they read prophetic signs from ‘pizza dreams’, they read prophetic signs from the delirium they suffered in their colds and fevers, and bodily sicknesses. They read signs from dates on calendars, and flies that rested atop their clocks on the wall. They read ‘prophetic signs’ from their own depressed state of minds, they saw prophetic significance and conspiracies in any and every number at any given time. They were becoming expert ‘numerologists’. they read signs in the cracks in the pavements.

It was an exhausting time for such ‘prophets’ , as due to the nature of events unfolding, they saw a sky-full of prophetic signs.

Others were ‘wordsmiths’ who squeezed in any teaching, prophecy, crafted in a manner that made it seem as if the chapters and verses from Revelation supported their ‘ deep interpretation’.

Nutsville, U.S.A, was a busy town churning out prophecies, round the clock.
I saw that in America, in pursuit of accumulating ‘mysterious knowledge’, the most favorite part in the bible that believers and non-believers alike quoted and referred to was  Revelation.

Nutsville had several factory units dotted across the landscape.
All factories had barbed wire fences with gates that opened into the neighbouring industrial unit.

I saw a large factory that manufactured very strange play kits. The kits contained a token ‘bible promise’ and joss sticks, scented candles and an instruction manual that guided readers on how to chant their way into a trance. The demand for these outran the supply so this factory worked night and day to keep up with these demands, and create new markets abroad. Another best-seller from this factory was a play kit called ‘Edom’sCastle’, with which came free figures of the Chieftains of Edom.

The communications department of Nutsville, were engaged night and day in forwarding sms and emails, articles, books, links to radio/tv and print material that had been spun in the Spinnin’ Factory in Nutsville.
The Spinnin’ Factory, spun tales that misinformed, disinformed, and propagated their views.

‘Demonizing’ was the ‘in’ thing in America, and the Nutsvillians did not want to miss out. Everyone who was anyone was busy not trying to understand the situation they faced, but to demonize it or eulogise it, depending on their agendas. So there was a strange rhythm heard in Nutsville.

The residents of Nutsville, discussed the things of the world in the workplace and things of the world in the ‘church’. They encouraged the folks in this large town, to send in ‘prophecies’ , news reports, that affirmed their vision, their activities.

I saw that they had a warehouse full of ‘prophecies’ and eulogies. The eulogies and nice prophecies was for their own, but for their enemies they had a giant sized warehouse in which were hand-crafted curses, that were aimed at rendering their ‘enemies’ sick and dead. Piled high were prophecies of judgments upon those who did not do their will. Of course in everything these Nutvillians did, they always found a Scripture verse to support their activities. This pleased those who at times doubted.

Nutsville was united in this one thing……….Their premier concern was to first sort out America, their beloved nation, and restore it to where they believed it should be. The Nutvillians were real busy folk.

Stories that bore no resemblance to the truth were forwarded on by Nutvillians to all and sundry. They never checked the facts, or figures or background of any story that put their ‘enemy’ in a poor light.

I saw that for the Nutsvillians America was god. A strong wind had toppled this god off it’s pedestal. Nutsvillians were now on a mission to restore their god to the pedestal it had fallen from. They would waste time, money, resources, energies, man power to bring their manufactured ‘restoration’, ‘revival’, ‘new move’ to America.


Several times over the past year I was reminded of Vision: On Mounts Of Error

I saw visionflashes of heated debates in America, about whose brand of ‘christianity’ was the better.


Around mid-March 2009, I had shared with a friend in America that I had seen this vision.

Vision: Uncle Sam and Aunt Jezebel

I saw that Uncle Sam and Aunt Jezebel were very actively moving around, amidst the ‘christian’ congregations. They’d been doing this since long. This couple were the guiding force for the nation and the ‘church’.


To be continued……………………………..


Swarna Jha

Vision: Whistle O Raiders Of The Airways-Part 3

7 responses to “VISION: Whistle O Raiders Of The Airways-Part 2

  1. Hi Swarna 🙂
    These visions and vision flashes and others within the Raiders series are so FULL! I am thanking the Lord for how much He is showing at this time while knowing there is inexhaustible treasure throughout!
    So wonderful since everyone reading, by the Spirit, will receive the light they need for now and later. I remember someone long ago saying that the Lord would send His servants from other countries to help us here in the USA 🙂 Whether we hear or not He will speak. Woe be the day He goes silent!

    It seemed that today, Jeremiah 9:23-26 was, besides vs 23-24 being favorite verses, meant to fit in some place under the “Raiders…” visions and so under the mention of the chiefs of Edom I am placing these verses. Even when I read about this “play kit” earlier I made a note of these chiefs. Must be more here yet to see…
    I found the entirety of chapter 9 very revealing as well…( like how Luke 17 in its entirety was what I read today and posted a few verses under an earlier Raiders vision…)

    “I saw a large factory that manufactured very strange play kits. The kits contained a token ‘bible promise’ and joss sticks, scented candles and an instruction manual that guided readers on how to chant their way into a trance. The demand for these outran the supply so this factory worked night and day to keep up with these demands, and create new markets abroad. Another best-seller from this factory was a play kit called ‘Edom’sCastle’, with which came free figures of the Chieftains of Edom” ( end quote)
    What stood out to me was regarding Edom…

    Jeremiah 9:23-26 King James Version (KJV)

    23 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:

    24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.

    25 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will punish all them which are circumcised with the uncircumcised;

    26 Egypt, and Judah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all that are in the utmost corners, that dwell in the wilderness: for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.
    In the AMPC version of Jer 9:26 it notes that Judah, Edom, Ammon, and Moab (and of course Israel) are all related but not Egypt. Includes “all that are in the utmost corners, that dwell in the wilderness”. I think that about covers the nations – one named The United States of America being maybe the most representative of all?
    Certainly via media, referencing both the true and false, the covers are becoming shorter than a man can stretch out in 🙂
    Hugs, Judi

  2. Hi Judi
    Thanks so much.

    ! I am thanking the Lord for how much He is showing at this time while knowing there is inexhaustible treasure throughout!
    End quote

    Praising God!

    Love and blessings

  3. Hi Judi
    Strange you should bring this up about the chieftains of Edom. I have been reminded of these many times but have not been led to share.

    Thanks. Will pray.
    Love and blessings

  4. The Vision of Obadiah
    17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance,
    and there shall be holiness;
    and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
    18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire,
    and the house of Joseph a flame,
    and the house of Esau for stubble,
    and they shall kindle in them, and devour them;
    and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau;
    for the Lord hath spoken it.

  5. Amen

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